

Jan 07 2012

Kippo-Graph note

Two quick notes about Kippo-Graph: 1st, even if it doesn’t take any user input etc, I have scanned it with RIPS and Websecurify Scanner and it’s a secure web app to have in your server, just in case someone wondered. 2nd, you don’t actually have to upload it to your remote server. If you set up remote MySQL access you can get the data from your honeypot while having Kippo-Graph installed in your local machine.

More in Blog News
Kippo-Graph 0.6.2 released.
Kippo2MySQL v0.1.1 update
Kippo-Graph and Kippo2MySQL update
Kippo2MySQL v0.1, populate a MySQL DB with data from Kippo logs!
Kippo-Graph 0.6 released!