

Dec 31 2011

Kippo2MySQL v0.1, populate a MySQL DB with data from Kippo logs!

This is yet another simple piece of software that simply extracts some VERY BASIC stats from Kippo’s text-based log files (a mess to analyze!) and inserts them in a MySQL database.

Then you can run some queries and of course visualize the data if you want to.

This is the initial version (0.1) so many things are hardcoded or ugly or dead simple, but it does the job. The file is a modified version of “kippo-stats” perl script originally writen by Tomasz Miklas and modified by mig5. Later on I might update Kippo-Graph or write a new tool specifically for Kippo2MySQL to generate some graphs from this type of data.

You will have to change the script and enter the correct paths, your MySQL credentials, have a database and a db user created beforehand, etc. It’s pretty straightforward though.

Download the perl script from here: kippo2mysql

For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Kippo2MySQL page: http://bruteforce.gr/kippo2mysql

  • Landon

    The script worked well, the only thing I had to change was changing the clients field in the client table to version, and it worked great.

    • http://bruteforce.gr/ Ion

      Hello Landon! Thanks for your feedback. Can you let me know what changes were needed so I can include them? Thanks, Ion.

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