

Mar 24 2014

Kippo-Graph 0.9.2, with Kippo-Playlog!

This is the release of a new version of Kippo-Graph, adding a new component: Kippo-Playlog. Now you can play captured honeypot sessions in real time inside Kippo-Graph!

Kippo-Playlog has been developed by CCoffie, so make sure to send him your thanks!

The support is somewhat experimental, so please update Kippo-Graph, test it with your database and let us know if Kippo-Playlog works as suggested.

Download the new version from here: kippo-graph-0.9.2 or clone/pull from Kippo-Graph’s GitHub repo: https://github.com/ikoniaris/kippo-graph

As always, here are the checksums of the tar file:

MD5 Checksum: CC3C27DD5BAA2F5AC15DF1E552F9DD05
SHA-1 Checksum: F88DD3EEAEB14B9079AC2182D6A4D8C4457E62E7


Version 0.9.2:
+ Added experimental playlog display.



For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Kippo-Graph page: http://bruteforce.gr/kippo-graph

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