Continuing on the previous post about Kippo SSH honeypot, let’s see how we can make our lives easier and log its events in a MySQL database instead of the difficult to read text-based log files (located at kippo-dir/log by default). This post assumes that you have already followed the procedure and successfully installed Kippo on your Ubuntu Server.
- We login as root in our box and install the required software packages:
apt-get install python-mysqldb mysql-server
MySQL server will ask for a root password, enter something a bit complex.
- We setup the database for Kippo logging:
mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE kippo; GRANT ALL ON kippo.* TO 'kippo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Kippo-DB-pass'; exit
- We go to Kippo’s directory (normally /home/kippo/kippo/ if you followed the previous post) and load the table structures into the database:
mysql -u kippo -p
USE kippo; source ./doc/sql/mysql.sql; exit
At this stage re-login as ‘kippo’ user into the system.
- If Kippo is running we will have to kill it in order to change its configuration and start it again.
ps x
Look for a line like this: 10650 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/twistd -y kippo.tac -l log/kippo.log -pidfile
The first column shows the process ID, and you will use this number to kill it:
kill 10650
- We are ready to make the necessary changes to Kippo’s config file:
nano kippo.cfg
Here we un-comment the following lines and type the corrent data:
[database_mysql] host = localhost database = kippo username = kippo password = Kippo-DB-pass
- We are now ready to start Kippo again:
Check that Kippo is running:
netstat -antp
where you should see a line like this: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 10650/python
We are now ready! To see the logging events in the database, you can use simple SQL commands like:
$ mysql -u kippo -p
USE kippo; SELECT * FROM auth;
- (OPTIONAL) In order to make things even easier we can install phpmyadmin, a web GUI for our mysql server:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
it will be located at: http://server-ip/phpmyadmin and you can login as root (with MYSQL’s root password that you entered above) or better yet as kippo user (using kippo’s password, in our example “Kippo-DB-pass”).
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