This is the release of another version of Kippo-Graph, reaching 1.5.
Kippo-Graph 1.5 brings a change to charts generation (now you can use a cron job instead of recreating them each time) and some updates and fixes. Thanks to zhardie for the suggestion.
Download: kippo-graph-1.5 or clone/pull from GitHub:
MD5 Checksum: 5ae578d73c6119344b889ab76a0b0f2a
SHA-1 Checksum: 40062d56a25257f49ad8dc130715efdfaf96528c
Version 1.5:
+ Added configuration option for realtime statistics.
+ Added cron example to update charts in the background.
+ Tested script on with successful outcome.
+ Updated RedBeanPHP to version 4.1.4.
+ Various small fixes.
For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Kippo-Graph page:
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