This is the release of a new version of Kippo-Graph, adding a new component: Kippo-IP. Using Kippo-IP you can get a table view of all attacks and inputs by IP address.
Kippo-IP has been developed by s0rtega, so make sure to send him your thanks!
Download: kippo-graph-0.9.3 or clone/pull from GitHub:
MD5 Checksum: 30FDEC6F6F0F75689E776D61616CD18C
SHA-1 Checksum: 6E31D17965E3DEDCAD5A123A2572EE04820E5FC1
Version 0.9.3:
+ Added Kippo-IP: attack details by IP address.
For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Kippo-Graph page:
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