I am very happy to announce that a honeypots workshop will take place during BSides Las Vegas this year! BSides is a fantastic community driven InfoSec convention and Las Vegas is the best place to be in August!
The workshop is titled “You Hack, We Capture: Attack Analysis with Honeypots“, lasts half a day (4 hours) and will be presented by me.
It takes place on Wednesday the 6th of August, from 10AM to 1PM.
Spots are numbered and limited to 28 participants! If you want to reserve a seat, you can do so via this Eventbright page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bsides-lv-2014-workshops-tickets-12279453175 (it’s 4th on the list)
Here is the workshop’s description:
Honeypots are systems aimed at deceiving malicious users or software that launch attacks against the infrastructure of various organizations. They can be deployed as protection mechanisms for an organization’s real systems, or as research units to analyze the methods employed by human hackers or malware. In this workshop we will study the operation of two research honeypots. A honeypot system will undertake the role of a web trap for attackers who target the SSH service. Another one will undertake the role of a malware collector, usually deployed by malware analysts to gather and store malicious binary samples. We will also talk about post-capturing activities and further analysis techniques. Furthermore, visualization tools and techniques will be presented, plus a honeypot bundle Linux distribution that contains pre-configured versions of the above tools and much more related utilities, which can make the deployment of honeypots an easy task.
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