Hello all
Once more, I’m in the happy position to announce a new release for HoneyDrive (Desktop)!
This is version 0.2 aka Nectar edition, which brings more honeypot and malware related tools on the distro.
You can download it from HoneyDrive’s SourceForge page at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/honeydrive/
Changes and additions on this version (in no particular order):
- Installed Kippo2Wordlist, a tool to create wordlists based on passwords used by attackers against Kippo SSH honeypot.
- Installed DionaeaFR , a visualization tool which was recently presented in a previous post.
- Added Kojoney SSH honeypot, patched version (updated scripts, new features, etc).
- Added Amun malware honeypot, along with useful scripts.
- Added Glastopf web honeypot, along with Wordpot WordPress honeypot.
- Installed mwcrawler, a script that parses malicious URL lists and downloads malware files (video).
- Added Thug, a honeyclient written in Python aimed at mimicking the behavior of a web browser in order to detect and emulate malicious contents.
- Added the following tools: Pipal, John the Ripper, IRCD-Hybrid, Origami, dsniff, hping, Scapy, Tcpreplay, tcptrace, sslstrip, libemu, Adminer.
- Added the Open Penetration Testing Bookmarks Collection to Firefox.
For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the HoneyDrive page: http://bruteforce.gr/honeydrive
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