I am happy to announce the release of a new honeypot visualization script: Honeyd-Viz.
It is a web interface written in PHP used in conjunction with Honeyd2MySQL script.
It uses “Libchart” PHP chart drawing library by Jean-Marc Trémeaux, “QGoogleVisualizationAPI” PHP Wrapper for Google’s Visualization API by Thomas Schäfer and geoPlugin geolocation technology (geoplugin.com).
An example of how it looks:
You can download the initial (0.1) version here: honeyd-viz-0.1
MD5 Checksum: FDA6EEB0017D8BF019D6A7DA89A3D925
SHA-1 Checksum: 1C04CDC07BFC4A3F8193D54ADB6BD84412D4D953
Please read the README.txt file inside the archive.
For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Honeyd-Viz page: http://bruteforce.gr/honeyd-viz