Honeyd-Viz is a full featured script to visualize statistics from a honeyd honeypot.
It uses the Libchart PHP chart drawing library by Jean-Marc Trémeaux, QGoogleVisualizationAPI PHP Wrapper for Google’s Visualization API by Thomas Schäfer, RedBeanPHP library by Gabor de Mooij and geoPlugin’s geolocation technology (geoplugin.com).
Honeyd-Viz currently shows 20 charts. There are also geolocation data extracted and displayed with Google visualization technology using a Google Map, an Intensity Map, etc.
If you need to test Honeyd-Viz, go to any of the following ecommerce pages which have the HoneyDrive honeypot installed on them:
DOWNLOAD Honeyd-Viz:
Please also take a look at the README.txt file inside the package.
- A MySQL database must have been setup and populated using the Honeyd2MySQL script.
- PHP version 5.3.4 or higher.
- The following packages: libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, php5-gd
On Ubuntu/Debian:
apt-get update && apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-gd /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
wget http://bruteforce.gr/wp-content/uploads/honeyd-viz-VERSION.tar mv honeyd-viz-VERSION.tar /var/www cd /var/www tar xvf honeyd-viz-VERSION.tar --no-same-permissions cd honeyd-viz chmod 777 generated-graphs cp config.php.dist config.php nano config.php #enter the appropriate values
Browse to http://your-server/honeyd-viz to generate the statistics.
You can download version 0.1 here: honeyd-viz-0.1
Version 0.2:
+ Cleaned honeyd-viz-generator.php.
+ Added most connections per day chart.
+ Tested on article about gout compression.
+ Added connections per day chart.
+ Added connections per week chart.
Version 0.1:
+ Initial version.
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