Something is cooking! I’m working on the desktop version of HoneyDrive, adding new stuff to Kippo-Graph, and fixing some issues with Honeyd2MySQL and Kippo2MySQL scripts. Stay tuned for future releases! (hopefully soon)
Status update
Monday December 10, 2012 — 11:18 PM
Something is cooking! I’m working on the desktop version of HoneyDrive, adding new stuff to Kippo-Graph, and fixing some issues with Honeyd2MySQL and Kippo2MySQL scripts. Stay tuned for future releases! (hopefully soon)
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December 11, 2012 at 7:01 AM (UTC 0) Link to this comment
Nice ! Cant wait to have a shot at it. If you give me a heads-up, i will put a link on the honeynet facebook page
December 11, 2012 at 6:26 PM (UTC 0) Link to this comment
Thanks Leon
(as always)
December 11, 2012 at 8:09 PM (UTC 0) Link to this comment
Looking forward to the release. Been having great results with my current instance.
December 11, 2012 at 8:16 PM (UTC 0) Link to this comment
Hello Ian.
HoneyDrive will be ready in a few days I think. The new Kippo-Graph (0.7.3) was released today if you want to check it out