

May 01 2012

Honeyd2MySQL v0.1, populate a MySQL database with data from honeyd logs!

This is yet another simple piece of software that extracts all the basic stats from honeyd’s text-based log files and inserts them in a MySQL database.

Then you can run some queries and of course visualize the data if you want to.

This is the initial version (0.1) so many things are hardcoded or dead simple, but it does the job. The file is a modified version of “honeyd_importer” perl script originally writen by Joshua Gimer and shared through “honeypots” mailing list. This script will work in combination with a web based interface for honeyd’s results that will be created in the future along the lines of Kippo-Graph.

You will have to change the script and enter the correct paths, your MySQL credentials, have a database and a db user created beforehand, etc. It’s pretty straightforward though.

Download the perl script from here: honeyd2mysql-0.1

MD5 Checksum: 8DDCC72AD58076863A2476570567F42A
SHA-1 Checksum: E2E0B06EEBB14446EB4218108D8348A9D26C127B

For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Honeyd2MySQL page: http://bruteforce.gr/honeyd2mysql

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