I’m pleased to release yet another updated version of Kippo-Graph: 0.6.3. It includes: New data for the Kippo-Input component: passwd, executed scripts and interesting commands tables. Two more graphs (successes per day and human activity bar chart) and fixes to others. Download it from here: kippo-graph-0.6.3 MD5 Checksum: 3B40524D0AC157C82661582014AB5BE0 SHA-1 Checksum: 31D0A2872BD346529E2D5535266822F7861E0C1E CHANGES: Version 0.6.3: …
Monthly Archive: January 2012
Jan 25 2012
Securing a server with Artillery
Artillery is project started by Dave (ReL1K) Kennedy with the aim to secure a linux web server. Its description reads: Artillery is a honeypot/monitoring/prevention tool used to protect Linux-based systems. Artillery will setup multiple ports on the nix system and if anything touches it will automatically blacklist them. In addition, it monitors the filesystem for …
Jan 25 2012
Πώς να ενεργοποιήσετε το Nessus στο BackTrack 5 R1
Θέλοντας να σκανάρω στα πλαίσια δοκιμής ενός λειτουργικού συστήματος που ήθελα να εγκαταστήσω (σύντομα λεπτομέρειες) έναν υπολογιστή στο δίκτυο μου με το Nessus, ανακάλυψα πως αυτό δεν είναι καν εγκατεστημένο στο BackTrack 5 R1. Στην έκδοση 5 ναι μεν ήταν εγκατεστημένο αλλά όχι λειτουργικό αφού πρώτα ήθελε κάποιες ρυθμίσεις. Δε ξέρω γιατί αλλά στην έκδοση …
Saturday January 21, 2012 — 12:49 AM

I got a message about Kippo-Geo page displaying a warning, telling you that you need a valid Google Maps API key. This started rather randomly some days ago. There are two solutions: 1) You do nothing. Yes, the Google Map is working as expected, and you can just ignore the warning. 2) Get a Google Maps API key by following the instructions on the warning link. You then need to enter your key into /kippo-graph/include/qgooglevisualapi/QApikeyGoogleGraph.class.php.
Jan 19 2012
Some Kojoney results
I had my Kojoney SSH Honeypot running for about a week or so. The operation was smooth, I didn’t experience any crashes and the logging function keeps enough interesting data. Since I’ll be moving on to other systems/projects soon, I thought I should share some data before ending its operation. The honeypot.log file has grown …
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